Thursday, August 5, 2010

"Ugly Americans"

Tomorrow marks the 65th anniversary of the dropping of the atomic bomb on Japan. We hear many sad and sorrowful stories about that fateful day. Many people lost their lives and the ones who survived were scarred for life. We see pictures and listen to news accounts of that day. Most lead us to believe that we should be ashamed of what our country did to Japan and its people. How could our country do such a dastardly thing. They say it wasn't necessary . What they don't tell us is that Japan was resigned to defend their homeland to the death.
All the accounts of the battles of the Pacific Islands, told of the fierce fighting of the Japanese soldiers, against our troops. Many, many men lost their lives.
Those of us who were born after 1945, owe our own lives to President Truman and his decision to drop the "bomb". Most people don't know that the troops who served in the European theatre of war were getting ready to be shipped to the "Pacific" to take part in the invasion of Japan. The experts estimate that casualties on the American side alone would have been in the thousands. Chances are if you are a baby boomer, your Father could have
been one of those casualties. I believe President Truman did the right thing in order to end that terrible conflict. It was a terrible terrible tragedy but I don't believe we as a Nation should have to apoligize for our actions.
I wish the news media would give accounts from both sides when they cover
this and other stories that involve our past. I am tired of always being the "Ugly