An old man was laid to rest this past Friday. To some he was known as a husband, a father, a Pop-Pop, brother or friend. To most others he was just someone who drove his car too slow, or could not follow directions, or was just a pain in the ass. This old man however, was a hero. He and many others of his generation spent a good portion of their youth in faraway places as France, Belguium, the phillipines, Iwo Jima or Okinawa. They saw things that were horrible. They carried on knowing that at any time they could have lost their own life. If you asked him why, he would say it was his duty. He knew his country needed him and tyranny had to be stopped. The real heroes were the ones left behind, he would tell you.
So the next time you see an old man, think of where and what his life must have been like, when he was young. Remember, you don't know someone until you walk in their shoes.
You're correct, Albert... We need to acknowledge the "Ol' Dudes" They have lived a good life, many of them having witnessed horrors most of us could never imagine, and then gone on to be productive citizens, workers, Fathers, Uncles or just friends. May your Uncle rest in peace.