Monday, September 5, 2011

Shopping Thoughts.

     Today, my wife and I took a ride to the Philadelphia Outlets in Limerick Pa. There
are quite few stores with many famous name brands. Everything there is on sale for at least 50% off, some things even more. We saved quite a bit of money.  This got me thinking though, these same stores have to pay employees, rent, electric and the usual business expenses.  How can they sell the clothes and shoes and other things so inexpensive. They must be making a profit or they coud not stay in business.  Why does it cost so much to buy the same articles at a regular store. The products are all made in the same countries overseas, nothing is made here.
     The only explanation I can think of is greed.  The companies all complain they can't make a profit by using American workers, by making things in foreign countries they can hire cheap labor. Why don't they pass the savings on to the consumer at their regular stores.  Instead of making 150%  profit on goods can't they survive on 125% or even 100%. We keep complaining about deficits, doesn't it make sense to put Americans to work who are going to pay taxes and spend the money here.  I understand that business costs are getting higher and higher, and everyone wants the workers to take a pay cut, but these large corporations are getting richer and richer and not giving back. There has to be a happy medium where we all can share in the prosperity of this country. I am not suggesting that these corporations give up their profits, but I would like to see them employ more people from this country so those same people can enjoy all this country has to offer.