Thursday, May 6, 2010

An important person

There are so many important and famous people in the world that we all look up to. We spend quite a bit of our time trying to emulate them. We try to dress like them, purchase items they advertise, we sometimes go as far as getting surgery to look like they do. There is one person however, who is more important and should be even more famous and that is MOM.
Think of Mom, she carried us in her womb and nurtured us when we were born. She taught us how to talk and walk and how to eat. She set an example to
show us how to behave and how to get along with everyone we came in contact with. Yes there are Dads out there that also did these things, but the main teacher in our lives has been Mom.
Dad went to work, Mom made sure we got to school on time, looked presentable, and did the disciplining when it was called for. There were six words you never heard in my house growing up "Wait till your Father gets home." Lets face it Mom ran the show. Dads are important but Mom is the ultimate. She is the alpha and omega.
This Sunday we honor all Moms, but they should be honored everyday. Mom is without a doubt the most important person, we have ever come in contact with in our lives. So if you want to emulate a famous or important person, try your Mom, but I don't think I would look too good if I dressed like her...........

1 comment:

  1. So true Albert! i wish I could send this to certain people who forget....
    I really am enjoying your writings, keep up the great work!
